
Happy start of the Advent 2023!

1:34 AM / BY Rosa
It's been a while, has it not?:-) Turns out keeping a small business running takes up an insane amount of time, oh well:-))) But while it's hectic, the smiles of the people who come to see us at the stalls at the cons, their hugs and their joy when they try on our creations and pull out something especially cute out of our lucky packs are a reward that's priceless. We love you all! And...

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Fabric Haul, Prom Gown Commission, 1890s-inspired Period Lolita Dress and More!

2:18 PM / BY Rosa
Iris treated us to some lovely, lovely fabrics - can't wait for the night fairies one to be turned into a JSK... a sweet surprise post-Christmas pressie from my sweetest sister.     Slow but steady progress on the prom gown commission... the lace is just delicious! Now it's just sewing on the sleeves and flowers, so I hope it will be done relatively soon. Mock up of the floral decoration   So many flowers...

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Kokoshnik Commission Finished, Kitten Skirt, Pink Silk Taffeta Bloomers - Or It's Project Dump Time Again

2:36 PM / BY Rosa
Just a quick update on some of the stuff that's been finished lately... I'm too tired to write a proper post, sorry, but I'd at least like to share some photos of the current-ish projects with you, guys:-)     Kittens, strawberries, cherries, polkadots and lace - isn't it just adorable? A sweet surprise pressie from Iris... Finished kokoshnik commission - I'm kind of thinking about making one for myself for the upcoming Animefest 2019 Fashion...

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Viviana Iris Brand Launch Giveaway: Enter to Win Bloomers Worth 100 USD!!!

3:45 AM / BY Rosa
Click the image to enter the giveaway!!! Yaaay, finally figured out how to use Kingsumo (sort of), so the giveaway we promised on Lolita Updates we'd host is live! *happydance* After you sign up, like us on Facebook and share the giveaway there to win this lovely, fluffy cotton sateen and tulle goodness! For the best chance to win, follow us on Instagram and share the giveaway on Pinterest and Twitter, it all earns you...

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Mini Projects: Real Soap For BJD, the Gothic Door Update and More!

6:35 AM / BY Rosa
 The Gothic door is almost done from one side - have to figure out what to do with the reverse one...  plus the frame for the door is a nightmare so far - I think I need to get some balsa wood for it.  But finally in Romania I found some nice hinges for it, yay, so at least that problem is solved! The sitting room, how it looks so far. It looks beter in...

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Beautiful Sights: Hluboká nad Vltavou Castle

2:04 PM / BY Rosa
Once upon a time, Prince Jan Adolf II Schwarzenberg and his lovely wife Eleonora travelled to England. The Schwarzenberg couple fell in love with it, truly, madly, deeply,  and decided to build a bit of it in Bohemia. The result is breathtaking.Inspired by the Windsor, this castle and the grounds took some thirty-one years to build and it is as spectacular inside as it is outside. You can clearly see the Schwarzenbergs were a wealthy...

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